The petroleum industry, also known as the oil industry or the oil patch, includes the global pro-cesses of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing of petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum (oil) is also the raw material for many chemical products, in-cluding pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic fragrances, and plastics. The oil and gas industry is one of the largest sectors in the world in terms of dollar value but it comes with ex-treme challenges. One of the main challenge is the hazardous work conditions. OSHA lists the following as the most common causes of fatalities that occurred during oil and
gas extraction work proces
Not only is there the temperamental sea to contend with, as she rocks, rolls and storms; there’s the boats themselves. Depending on the type of vessel, you may find your-self working in high open spaces or cramped, tight quarters in sweaty, humid conditions.
Struck-by/caught-in/caught between hazards are a major cause of fa-talities in the oil and gas industries. Sources of these hazards include mov-ing vehicles, mobile equipment, falling equipment, and high-pressure lines.
The presence of flammable and/or combustible vapors and gases and numerous potential ignition sources make explosions and fires a real concern in oil and gas extraction. Prevention begins with knowing the flammable/combustible qualities of the materials being extracted and/or worked with, and continue to understanding the potential of tools and equipment to cause ignition.
There are many confined spaces in the oil and gas extraction industry, and work-ers often enter them: storage tanks, mud pits, reserve pits, sand storage con-tainers, and more. These confined spaces bring with them a multitude of hazards & risks, including ignition, asphyxiation, and hazardous chemical exposure.
Workers in the oil and gas industry face many of the same types of ergonomic haz-ards that
workers in other fields that require heavy physical labor face. These include MSDS-injury risks
form lifting, bending, and reaching; from pushing and pulling heavy ob-jects; from working in
awkward body postures; and from repeated motions and tasks.
Our company produces industrial wear to safeguard the people from such hazardous
conditions. Our Flame resistant, Arc resistant and High-visibility workwear can withstand the
ex-treme conditions in the oil and gas industry as well as they are produced by keeping in mind
the wearer’s comfort. Our workwears are designed to follow the global safety standards