An arc flash is a powerful and dangerous occurrence where an electric current leaves its anticipated path and travels from phase to phase, or phase to ground. Most injuries caused during an arc flash are a result of wearing flammable (non-flame-resistant) clothing that ignites and burns against the skin. The amount of energy that workers could be exposed to varies greatly, so the level of protection that the clothing provides must match. That’s why having the proper FR clothing is so critical for workers. We provide a wide range of FR clothing that not only protects but is also comfortable and durable.
The arc flash hazard affects all who work in and around energized electric equipment. It’s critical to make sure that all workers exposed to this highly dangerous hazard are protected with arc rated clothing.
We offer the complete range of Protective Clothing to protect against Arc Flash hazards – including Arc Flash Suits, Coveralls, Jackets, Trousers, Shirts, Polo
Shirts and Underwear. We also supply Arc Flash Waterproofs, Gloves, Helmets and Visors.
Fabric technologies included in these coveralls include Proban®, Pyrovatex®, Nomex®, Modacrylic ,Coats® & more.